
welcome to my new web site!

By January 7, 2014No Comments

Well, finally, after launching this new web site almost a year ago I have it sort of up and running.  I bought a theme a year ago but then ran into troubles getting it up and running and now last month I received a notice that the php the theme ran on was outdated and would no longer be supported!

So, off to Themeforest I sent and found this new theme.  In just one day I have it pretty much up and doing its thing, I need to add more photos, more pages, get the pages sorted out and all but I’m pretty proud of myself at this point.

Seattle based photographer, Ron Greer

Seattle based photographer, Ron Greer

Ron Greer

Ron Greer

Ron Greer, a Seattle based commercial photographer. Headshots, Commercial photography, Architectural photography, on-location photography, Editorial Photographer

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